#PinkPawty - First Collaboration with CV Photography

This little pink gem reminds me of Candy Land in the movie Wreck It Ralph. It brings out my inner Barbie, and I can't help but belt out Aqua's 'Barbie Girl' as I'm shooting. Unlike Barbie though with her rigid plastic limbs that you can pop out and in as you please, my limbs are a little bit more delicate. A failed mid-air leap led to a sprained ankle (minor thankfully), but also meant I was treated like a spoiled princess all week.

The shoot is my first collaboration with Cam of CV Photography, and it definitely won't be my last. Cam is an amazing photographer with an even more awesome personality, and I highly encourage you to check out her work! Feel free to also creep her on Instagram.

Oh I guess I can talk about the outfit too. I've actually been on the prowl for the perfect grey fall coat and I finally found it at Topshop. It's been on repeat since I bought it, and it's not leaving anytime soon. These Jeffrey Campbell heels are also incredibly comfortable and I can't say that about many heels, period.